Professional or Business
Consultation & Mentoring
Card Reading
For entrepreneurs, business owners, investors and senior professionals only!
How can a tarot business consultation reading help you?
Turn around of life required now, now, now?
Tarot Readings can help you sort out any areas of stress, make informed decisions, and give you a perspective of what’s to come. Reading Tarot is more about relying on the Spirit for guidance than about just pulling cards. It’s with faith that the cards will provide an important message that counts the most.
If you are here, you are probably looking for some spiritual guidance when it comes to your business. You know you have a purpose but feel stuck on knowing where to move next.
You might wonder where Tarot Reading and Business come together. Simply put…
You are one whole being; your body, your Spirit, and your business.
Because of this, spiritual guidance doesn’t have to be reserved for personal decisions and situations. It can also be used to make informed decisions for your business, help you sort out any areas of stress, and give you a perspective of what’s to come. You are your business, and your business is you. So it makes complete sense that Divine can offer you some guidance.
A business tarot reading will assess several parts of your business and help you get to the roots of your question/ situation. This is also a deeply intuitive reading that includes astrology or bazi reading may include healing works to unclear the entities that attached to you may due to emotion or spiritual which relate to karmic, trauma or psychic attack in the past.
You're getting: A unique and Intuitive consultative reading with a report that can hone your business decisions, create insightful development strategies and develop corporate solutions and plans that are clear and focus.
Assess the energy of your Business. (Is it going well? Bad? So-so?)
Show you areas in which you are blocked and stagnant.
Show you the personal issues related to fears, navigate your emotion, life value & specific needs.
Show you how to clear those blocks.
Show you what to expect in the near future (next 1-3 months)
Show you what action steps you need to take.
Show you individual leadership development needs and goals
If you're feeling a little less creative or wanted to straight forward without much thinking involved, we made a business tarot spread with few different scenarios to know, understand, review the business by connecting with your spiritual guide, highest self and Divine ... , to answer based of the areas that we discussed in a 2 ways communication.
Current situation - A status check of your business or project. How are things looking?
Current challenges - What obstacles are presenting themselves now? What do you need to deal with?
Where to find help - Who or what can give you the most support?
Long-term gains - What can this business or project provide you in the long term? What should I do to establish a solid foundation for this business?
Short-term gains - What can this business or project provide you in the short term? What are some easy wins and low-hanging fruit?
Strengths - What do you (or your company as a whole) do best?
Weaknesses - What weaknesses do you (or your company as a whole) have?
What to focus on now - What should I be working on right now?
What to focus on in the future - What should I be working on next? In the next 6-12 months?
Opportunities - What is missing from the world that I can provide? What paths are opening up for me right now?
Past life or past trauma that cause or due to lower self or unconsciousness or karma matters?
Professional Business Consultation & Mentoring Card Reading (up to 4 hours coaching and consultations)
inclusive Chakra Alignment